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17 Apr 2004 - 01:02 - r1.2
Home.Ben Ogle
Classes grouped by layer: TOC Pjre UI Layer The main ones, thus far (4.17.04)... PjreDriver Driver class, starts up the gui. PjreParent The parent frame that fits ...
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20 Dec 2003 - 23:47 - NEW
The Admin
PR4 : OBD0 90-91 USDM Integra LS/GS B18A1 The DA chassis integras received B18A1 1.8L non-vtec motors in 1990 through 1993. The car experienced a switch in engine ...
16 Jul 2006 - 19:40 - r1.47
Xana X?
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in TWIKIWEB .TWikiRegistration. This will create an account for ...
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19 Feb 2004 - 23:25 - NEW
Author: xtensive Date: 01-04-03 20:47 Ok, here's what I found: That whole area is data tables. The routine that calls the idle value is @279A for the pm6. The stock ...
09 Jan 2007 - 08:17 - r1.4
Most automatic ECUs can be converted to a 5spd rather easily. Going the other way often involves adding more components. At this time, it appears that the conversion ...
27 Feb 2007 - 18:13 - r1.2
(blundar sez: most of these were moved over from the old FAQ) If you are a beginner, and you have a question that you think other people will have too, please add ...
21 Sep 2005 - 08:24 - r1.8
OBD0MPFI ECUs have two main designs that affect how the ECU is chipped. 90-91 ECU s have an external 38256 (same as 27C256 ) ROM . This can be removed and replaced ...
05 Nov 2006 - 15:41 - r1.2
OBD0 ECU Chipping If you have a OBD0 ECU, chipping the ECU might not be straightforward. Almost ALL 90-91 PM6, PM7, PR4 and PP5(with catalytic converter) ECUs had ...
02 Apr 2007 - 17:06 - r1.84
Honda ECU definition codes These id codes are the last 3 digits printed directly on the MCU after the model number (e.g. M66207-251 the "251" portion will be a much ...
29 Jan 2007 - 15:49 - r1.23
ECU Families: TOC "Pre-OBD" Early fuel injection designs PG7 : 86-87 USDM / JDM Integra (D16A1 VacuumAdvance) PE7 : 85-87 EDM / USDM Civic/CRX Si (EW3/EW4 VacuumAdvance ...
12 May 2006 - 09:00 - r1.10
Introduction to ECU Chipping by David Blundell Please feel free to link to this article, but "mirroring" is highly discouraged, as you will not automatically receive ...
07 Apr 2006 - 03:20 - r1.6
"OBD0" is not an official standard like OBD2 . It is most usually used to refer to MPFI ECUs made from 88-91 with ElectronicAdvanceDistributors found on OBD0MPFI ...
12 Jul 2005 - 19:25 - r1.3
Home.4G vtec
Can you run code from one OBD0MPFI ECU in another? The short answer to this is yes. The following has been tried before and is known to work successfully: PM6 in PR4 ...
30 Jan 2006 - 07:24 - r1.5
There is a very distinct family of ECUs found in 88-91ish OBD0 hondas. The main characteristics of this family: Oki80C154 or Oki83C154 MCUs that are essentially Intel8051 ...
25 Mar 2006 - 22:12 - r1.4
The PM7 ECU was used (mainly) in 88-91 DOHC ZC motors in Europe and Japan. PM7 code is very similar to PM6 code, and the code from one ECU can be run on the other ...
19 Feb 2004 - 22:55 - r1.2
The PM8 came in the US on 88-91 CRX HF. These ECUs always lacked external ROMs, and they seem to be just a wee lil bit different than PM6 / PM7 in terms of hardware ...
12 Mar 2005 - 01:08 - r1.6
PP5 : 90-93 (??) UK Rover 216 Cabrio Rover (UK) had an agreement with honda where honda engines (ZC, most notably) ended up in Rover cars. They continued to use OBD0 ...
06 Jan 2006 - 03:43 - r1.3
Remove R62,R64,R66 right by the center divider to turn an auto ECU into a 5 spd. JDM ECUs also require the addition of BR3. This also applies to PG7, PM6 and PM7 ECUs ...
12 Apr 2004 - 02:07 - r1.6
Rom Maps An area to collaborate on all the memory addresses found in ROMs TOC OBD1 Civic and Integra ECUs OBD1CivicIntegraECUs share a lot of features Memory Locations ...
19 Feb 2004 - 22:55 - r1.2
88-91 (dates questionable?) Mugen Race platform (ZC) The XE5 code is derived from the PM7- specifically, the PM7-0330 that lacks an O2 sensor. It is a "race only" ...
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